Geothermal Tax Credit »

We ensure ductwork is sealed and leakproof to drastically improve home energy costs

Our company installs complete heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Our company installs complete heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The primary components of an HVAC system are the equipment installation and ductwork distribution system. When ductwork is installed poorly and incorrectly, the system performance suffers drastically.

The proper way to detect duct leakage is with a duct blower or duct blaster. This device is connected to the air handler or a large return air opening. The duct blaster pressurizes the ducts while all supply openings are blocked. By measuring the airflow through the duct blaster’s fan, we can accurately gauge the amount of air leakage in the ductwork system.

Duct sealing is extremely important and often neglected as an energy conservation measure. Studies show that typical ductwork distribution systems leaked 10 to 30 percent of the heating and cooling energy. Leaky supply ducts are one of the most severe energy problems found in homes because this supply air is 20ºF to 70ºF warmer than indoor air during the winter and 15ºF to 25ºF cooler in the summer.

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Ready to learn more about our services? We have solutions to help you and ensure a more efficient heating and cooling system. Interested in geothermal, ductwork, Aeroseal, or spray foam insulation? Request a quote today.

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